Kelli Fields is a Licensed Physical Therapist Asst (PTA), and has been a licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) since 2001. She is one of a select few therapists with dual accreditations as both a Medical Massage Practitioner (MMP), and a Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT), receiving her advanced training in complete decongestive therapy and manual lymphatic drainage massage from The Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy. Kelli is a licensed Massage Therapy Instructor, teaching massage related CE courses specializing in manual lymphatic drainage and massage technique for the over 65 client.
Kelli accepts Healthcare Spending Accounts, and most insurance plans (when working from a Dr.'s prescription for Medical Massage Therapy as part of a Workers Comp, (MVA) Automobile Injury or PIP claim).
Her office is located just north of the Arboretum in northwest Austin on the 3rd floor of The Renaissance -11279 Taylor Draper Lane - Suite 300-A.
To schedule an appointment, please call: (512) 825-5409